Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tao Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:6

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
~ King James version ~

That which is cast down
Must first be raised.
Before receiving
There must be giving.
~ from Verse 36 of the Tao Te Ching ~
Sacrificing for oneself or others is said to be a noble endeavor. It should be remembered, though, that in order to give something up, we must obtain it first.

If you're interested in reading more from this experimental series, go to the Tao Bible Index page.

1 comment:

  1. We do have, but many do not realize that they have and so they don't think they can give.

    And when you realize you do have, and that to give that which you really have doesn't mean you lose it but you still keep it (think in the context of an idea), you can constantly give and reinforce the knowledge of that which you truly have.


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