Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hua Hu Ching - Verse 40

Verse Forty
The natural laws of the universe are inviolable: Energy condenses into substance. Food is eaten through the mouth and not the nose. A person who neglects to breathe will turn blue and die. Some things simply can't be dismissed. It is also a part of the cosmic law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. The ordinary person thinks that this law is external to himself and he feels confined and controlled by it. So his desires trouble his mind, his mind troubles his spirit, and he lives in constant turmoil with himself and the world. His whole life is spent in struggling. The superior person recognizes that he and the subtle law are one. Therefore he cultivates himself to accord with it, bringing moderation to his actions and clarity to his mind. Doing this, he finds himself at one with all that is divine and enlightened. His days are passed drinking in serenity and breathing out contentment. This is the profound, simple truth: You are the master of your life and death. What you do is what you are.
~ Translated by Brian Walker ~
Years ago, when I was the manager of a progressive gift shop, we sold a bumper sticker that read as follows: Your Hate Becomes You. A lot of people didn't really get it. In their mind's eye, the message read: Your Hate BECOMES you. However, I'm fairly certain that it should be read: Your Hate Becomes YOU.

Throughout my life I've noticed that people who are filled with thoughts of hate, revenge, retribution and suspicion are not very happy people. These individuals will tell you that they're happy, but their words and body language (at least, that's what people tell me re the latter) gives them away. Many of them are wound so tight that you fear they could explode at any moment and you certainly don't want to be around if that happens.

But it's not just hateful people. Every one of us has our own personal delusions. Some people are narcissists or egomaniacs. Some people are greedy and conniving. Others are slothful. Me, I'm overly anxious. I rarely meet a situation that I can't figure out some way to fret about it!

While the adage "you are what you eat" rings true, too many of us don't extend this idea far enough. How we comport ourselves impacts our lives a lot more. If we live a life of harmony and balance, then nothing can truly harm us. This is not to say that bad things won't happen in our lifetime, but we will be able to take what this life dishes out in stride.

This post is part of a "miniseries". For an introduction, go here.


  1. I would've had a very different life if somebody would've taught me those concepts as a child.

    Unfortunately, I was taught the complete opposite. What such teaching took away from me is immeasurable. It robbed me of life itself.

  2. But you're on the road to recovery now. Be thankful for that. Some people never find the road at all.


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