Of all the human aspirations, I think one that perennially ranks near the top is certainty. We like certain guidelines, rules, and outcomes. When we are faced with uncertainty -- which is most of the time -- the two general responses are fear and anxiety. Simply put, we prefer the known or possibly known to the definitely unknown.
Belief systems -- religious or otherwise -- are man-made abstractions that seek to provide a measure of certainty in areas that can never be known for certain. Sometimes we have a general idea of possible outcomes; at other times, it's an arbitrary shot in the dark! But we cling to these beliefs nonetheless because it's far better than the alternative -- admitting to ourselves and others that we really don't have a clue.
It is because beliefs do not rest on firm ground that one questions nags us: What if I'm wrong?
Many religious adherents refuse openly to admit that, like the rest of us, this question nags at their heart and soul. To do so would showcase a lack of faith and a lack of faith is often viewed as being the worst possible human frailty of all. Be that as it may, I have a hard time accepting that, even the most devout worshipper, doesn't pose this question a few times deep in the recesses of their being.
One of the reasons I think that Christians and other religious devotees wrestle with this ultimate question is that they seem to suffer from the same anxiety-based conditions, phobias and disorders as the rest of us. Being a Christian does mean a person is a picture of supreme mental health. If you disagree with this assertion, then would you mind explaining to me why there is a large industry centered around Christian mental health services?
Taoists, like any other identified group, wrestle with this same question too, but I submit that the personal repercussions probably are not as severe because we admit up front that we aren't certain of anything! So, the only way we can be entirely wrong is if everything IS certain and we've simply ignored the writing on the wall.
The primary reason this one question so dogs us is that we don't want to find out at our last breath that we've wasted this ephemeral life following the wrong path or barking up the wrong tree. Unless a person believes in the concept of reincarnation, a wrong answer means that we've blown it and there are no do overs.
For the religious, the fear is that each will arrive at the pearly gates to find a sign that reads, "Nobody is here, you idiot!" For the Taoist or atheist, the fear is that each will arrive at the pearly gates to find a sign that reads, "The non-religious line forms over there" and that line leads to the basement.
Belief systems -- religious or otherwise -- are man-made abstractions that seek to provide a measure of certainty in areas that can never be known for certain. Sometimes we have a general idea of possible outcomes; at other times, it's an arbitrary shot in the dark! But we cling to these beliefs nonetheless because it's far better than the alternative -- admitting to ourselves and others that we really don't have a clue.
It is because beliefs do not rest on firm ground that one questions nags us: What if I'm wrong?
Many religious adherents refuse openly to admit that, like the rest of us, this question nags at their heart and soul. To do so would showcase a lack of faith and a lack of faith is often viewed as being the worst possible human frailty of all. Be that as it may, I have a hard time accepting that, even the most devout worshipper, doesn't pose this question a few times deep in the recesses of their being.
One of the reasons I think that Christians and other religious devotees wrestle with this ultimate question is that they seem to suffer from the same anxiety-based conditions, phobias and disorders as the rest of us. Being a Christian does mean a person is a picture of supreme mental health. If you disagree with this assertion, then would you mind explaining to me why there is a large industry centered around Christian mental health services?
Taoists, like any other identified group, wrestle with this same question too, but I submit that the personal repercussions probably are not as severe because we admit up front that we aren't certain of anything! So, the only way we can be entirely wrong is if everything IS certain and we've simply ignored the writing on the wall.
The primary reason this one question so dogs us is that we don't want to find out at our last breath that we've wasted this ephemeral life following the wrong path or barking up the wrong tree. Unless a person believes in the concept of reincarnation, a wrong answer means that we've blown it and there are no do overs.
For the religious, the fear is that each will arrive at the pearly gates to find a sign that reads, "Nobody is here, you idiot!" For the Taoist or atheist, the fear is that each will arrive at the pearly gates to find a sign that reads, "The non-religious line forms over there" and that line leads to the basement.
Holy (?) crap! I don't even know what to say...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if humor was your intention but I sure smiled a lot while reading this... : )
I choose not to "bark up any tree" whether it is the "right" or the "wrong" tree... Whatever it is that is inherent within me that gave me the gift of rational thinking coupled with the gift of love surely has me pointing in the "right" direction. And, if I'm wrong, and there is a "basement" that awaits me at the end of my journey because I did not choose the "right" path,well...bring it on then!! If spending eternity in hell because I lived heaven on earth, then I'm prepared for the consequences.
No fear here. God and Heaven are constructs that set up and create devil and hell. Good God, Evil Devil.
Just all from a language and a cosmology that evolved out of the very dual and paranoid thought.
I have died, I had something that sits very close to the descriptions given by NDE people. Death is where all the unexplained is explained, your ego and barriers drop out and just leave the truth, whatever you need to hear, there for you to pacify you at death.
There is no room for afterlife, time is an illusion created by us here and now and has no reality. Heaven for eternity would be 1) boring and 2) impossible as "eternity" is a construct built from a false notion of time. If there were a heaven then it is to enjoy this life - a hell would be to waste it in paranoia.
Nothing to fear. One rule for all, one path for all is just not the way of nature. There are nearly 7billon correct paths and if there be any judgement it is that you followed your own unique one and not the most hard worn sheep track.
I hope the Gall Stone is calming down :)
I have a question posted on my profile-
ReplyDeleteFor faith to exist in someone what cannot exist in someone?
I once owned an old Mercedes wagon, bought from an Italian, in England.
ReplyDeleteOn the windscreen was a sticker, with a silly picture of an italianate version of Jesus, underneath which were the words:
"Jesu Cristi Proteggimi".
Which I presumed said: "Jesus Protect Me".
It obscured my vision, and I didn't like it. But I just could not bring myself to remove it.
You just never know :)
Being a Christian does mean a person is a picture of supreme mental health. If you disagree with this assertion, then would you mind explaining to me why there is a large industry centered around Christian mental health services?
ReplyDeleteHeavens! Are you ever right. The thing is that, even though a high percentage of them suffers of some type of emotional issue, they are in denial.
Denial is the name of the game. Jesus, they claim, has cured all their diseases, so they are healed. So they refuse to look for help, for doing so would show lack of faith in their redeemer.
Christians are where Christians are.
ReplyDeleteThey do what they do: they generally do their best.
In being Christians, they are looking for help.
Against all evidence to the contrary, I see Christians as allies and friends. It would be better to be able to see all people like that.
Maybe one day I will :)
Thanks to all for your heartfelt comments. I'm a bit loopy right now, so I won't add another two cents of my own.
ReplyDeleteVal, this post was written a bit tongue-in-cheek, so I'm glad it brought you a smile.