Monday, December 16, 2013

Bit by Bit - Chapter 25, Part 6

Trey Smith

Mr. Jen-hsiang held on to the empty socket and followed along to completion. Joining with things, he knew no end, no beginning, no year, no season. And because he changed day by day with things, he was one with the man who never changes - so why should he ever try to stop doing this? He who tries to make Heaven his teacher will never get Heaven to teach him - he will end up following blindly along with all other things, and then no matter how he goes about it, what can he do? The sage has never begun to think of Heaven, has never begun to think of man, has never begun to think of a beginning, has never begun to think of things. He moves in company with the age, never halting; wherever he moves he finds completion and no impediment. Others try to keep up with him, but what can they do?
~ Burton Watson translation ~
My father and I were talking the other day. We both agreed that the one aspect of Taoism that really has impacted each of our lives is the notion of "it is what it is". That is not quite the same idea being referenced above, but I think it's close.

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