Friday, July 13, 2012

My, How Times Have Changed!

Trey Smith

Barack Obama’s health care plan is very much like a health care plan first presented by another president in 1971. Then president Richard Nixon presented a plan that was very similar to the over hyped Obamacare. Nixon proposed forcing private insurance companies to cover everyone regardless of prior health condition, and the government subsidizing those unable to pay.

The elation created by the Obama court victory is symptomatic of many things that are very wrong in the American body politic. Once again we see proof that the democrats of the 21st century are akin to the republicans of forty years ago. There is no other way to explain their bizarre rejoicing because a band-aid has been placed over a gunshot wound.

Nixon’s proposal ultimately failed because the late senator Ted Kennedy opposed it. Kennedy was the democratic point person on health care and he saw the obvious flaws in a plan which maintained a dependence on the rule of private health insurers.
~ from Nixoncare Finally Wins Margaret Kimberley ~
Just let this sink in for a moment. Obamacare is nothing more than a recycled proposal from a disgraced Republican president. It was defeated because Democrats viewed it as a worthless strategy.

Here we are 41 years later and it's the Democrats who are touting this legislation and the Republicans who are opposing it. The crazy part is that it's basically the same damn plan!!! What changed so much in four decades?

It wasn't the plan itself; it's the Democratic Party. The Dems have moved so far to the right that the only way the Republicans can exist now is to fall off the right edge altogether. Progressives like to blame the crazy GOP for this and that, but they've been made crazy because Democrats have stolen the conservative's turf!

All the time, I hear liberal pundits claiming that there aren't any moderate or reasonable Republicans left. Can you blame them? How does one expect a Republican to be reasonable and moderate when the Democrats are touting conservative policies? Since, by their very nature, the GOP can't move to the left of the Democratic Party, what is the only direction they can move?

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