Trey Smith
What is it about taking a dump that is so taboo?
Turn on the TV, watch a film or read a popular book and you get a front row seat for almost every human function. Using TV shows, as one example, you can watch people eat, drink, work, play, sleep, sneeze, cough, vomit, fart, kill people and make love (there's lots and lots of that!), but you rarely ever see anyone urinate or defecate. On cable or in various movies, urinating isn't taboo, but defecating is!
It's something we all do most days. Don't do it enough and you will get sick. It's a normal part of our everyday routine, yet it is, like, forbidden to be shown in popular entertainment.
If you think about, sexual intercourse between two people is about as intimate as one can get, yet various sex acts are ubiquitous in the various modes of entertainment. So, why is it that taking a crap is considered so off limits in these same venues?
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