Friday, February 11, 2011

The Pendulum Swings

For the past few months, I've been writing at a torrid pace on this blog. It has not been uncommon to see me put up 6, 8 or even 10 posts on some days. Just as Lao Tzu makes the point that a storm eventually dies down, I think I'm going to pare back the number of posts per day for a time.

This is not to suggest at all that this blog will soon disappear. Every writer I have ever known goes through periods in which they write a lot or not very much at all. The pendulum for me has swung toward the latter.

One of the reasons I want to slow down is to avoid staleness. When a person writes a lot, there is a tendency to turn the same phrases, make and reiterate the same points and to cover the same topics. It can become an exercise in redundancy both for the writer AND the reader.

So, aside from the various ongoing series, I probably will limit additional posts to no more than 2 or 3 per day and sometimes not even that many. I need to spend more time reading and reflecting. After a while, the fire will burn hot again and the torrid pace of writing will return.

You can count on it!

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