Friday, April 17, 2009

Not Quite Iowa, But...

Back on April 3 I hailed the Supreme Court decision in Iowa that legalized gay marriage in America's heartland. While our state legislature didn't go quite that far, they did at least pass a bill so that "same-sex domestic partners would have all the rights and benefits that Washington state offers married couples". The governor is expected to sign it into law post haste. In essence, we've legalized gay marriage without using that precise word.

Of course, opponents of measures like this are upset. "We cannot elevate the legal standing of domestic partnerships to equate with marriage and not have profound impact on the status of marriage in this state," said Rep. Jay Rodne, R-Snoqualmie.

I must confess that I simply do not understand this argument. How could gay marriage (or gay civil partnerships) impact heterosexual marriage? It would be like stating that people who adopt cats AND dogs impact people who only adopt dogs or cats.

A person who chooses to burn old tires in their backyard will impact their neighbors to a far greater extent than having a gay married couple move onto their block. Despite this, you'd be more apt to find most neighbors incensed and protesting the latter, not the former.

We live in a strange world.

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