Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Personal Irony

I certainly acknowledge an irony that this blog represents. In the discussion of philosophical Taoism, one of the key concepts is balance, to follow the middle path between extremes. When any of us becomes out of balance, we have a stronger tendency to fall and this leads to a state of disharmony.

I happen to be an indomitable klutz! I have a strong tendency to run into or step on things and/or fall down. This often occurs because I have a poor sense of balance. This is not to suggest that I am continually out of balance; it's more that I have a difficult time recognizing when I am in balance and when I'm not.

So, there's the irony: A person with balance perception issues writes poetically about balance. Kind of interesting, wouldn't you say?

[Note: I will continue posting stuff over the next few days, but not at my typical frequency. I need to keep my foot elevated and iced. When I type at my computer, my foot is not elevated. Thus, I will make fewer trips into my "office" than I usually would.]


  1. Trey, it may be ironic that a physical klutz writes about balance, but such a contradiction is common. Think about how many opticians wear eye glasses, dermatologists have bad skin, and psychiatrists that are borderline crazy. I think many people have a tendency to be interested in their personal deficiencies, and eventually make a vocation based on those interests.

  2. i never thought about that! i don't have a great sense of physical balance either. however, physical balance and the balance of the universe are 2 different areas of expertise. :) if i had better physical balance, maybe i would be an athlete, not a philosopher.


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