Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Don't Get It

Twitter seems to be such a big thing now, but I just don't get it. Most of the "tweets" I've seen on blogs -- through widgets or gadgets -- look like little more than mundane banter. It almost seems like people have gotten to the point in which they want to think out loud in front of an audience without actually saying much of anything. Hmm. Sort of like politicians!

I recently read somewhere the idea that, if you can't convey a thought in 140 characters or less, it probably wasn't work anything to begin with. Maybe it's a generational thing, but I actually view it from the opposite direction. Unless we're speaking solely of mindless banter or you're telling someone you love her/him, if you CAN convey a quasi cogent thought in 140 characters or less, it probably isn't worth much to begin with.

I mean, really. Who cares if you're going into a movie theater or sitting down to dinner? Do people around the world need these kinds of pronouncements? We're inundated as it is with an overload of information. So, does adding millions and millions of innocuous sound bytes help the situation?

Hey, it's your life. If Twitter makes you feel good, then go for it -- but don't expect me to communicate with you via that medium. In fact, because I lead a very routinized life, the world should be tickled pink that I have not embraced this new social networking tool. If I was a Twitter fanatic, then people would be treated to the following kinds of mindless chatter:
8:30 a.m. Making oatmeal. Sure smells good.
8:45 a.m. It's raining.
10:03 a.m. Looking 4 john. #2 on the way. Bull's eye! OMG, no toilet paper.
11:12 a.m. It's raining.
12:38 p.m. Watching mindless boob tube. Ads more interesting than shows.
3:19 p.m. It's raining.
5:28 p.m. Writing on blog how much I detest limit of 140 characters.
7:15 p.m. It's raining.
10:12 p.m. Reading a book -- Won't give away plot.
11:51 p.m. It's raining
1:38 a.m. Hitting the hay
4:22 a.m. Just woke up to take p -- Guess what? It's raining.


  1. Hi R T

    In 40 characters or less, here goes:


    Love you'

  2. 140 or less? Okay, here it goes:

    I just laughed my ass off. Nope, I'm wrong. Still there. But quite funny nevertheless.

  3. Gail,
    In 4 characters or less:

    : )

  4. I think it's possible, although difficult, to convey a worthwhile thought in fewer than 140 words (think of the aphorisms of Nietzsche), but Twitter obviously doesn't seem geared towards that. It seems like a further step in the building of a simulation of life and friendship.

  5. i joined twitter and once i joined i realized it was completely boring and useless. i never go there anymore.

  6. Just have to find the interesting people on twitter. Some actually say things that are useful or at least more entertaining then eating oatmeal.

  7. I once had a friend/teacher who said that if can't express your idea on the back of a business card then you haven't managed to distill the idea to its purest form.
    This is not to imply that I endorse Twitter in its current form but that restricting yourself with respect to the length of your communications can be a way of encouraging you to think and speak/write clearly and concisely.


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