
Saturday, August 25, 2012

This Is Your Knight in Shining Armor? (Part 9)

Trey Smith

After several decades of the Washington political establishment opportunistically trotting out the ‘budget deficit’ canard in the lull between launching expensive wars for the benefit of their corporate benefactors, creating expensive giveaways to connected industries (Pharma) and enacting exorbitant tax cuts for the ascendant plutocracy, Barack Obama upped the ante by laying Social Security and Medicare on the table to be sacrificed without even the pretense of having been forced to do so. The only likely reason why he didn’t beat Paul Ryan to the punch in trying to privatize Social Security, as Bill Clinton had wanted to do, is that the matter polled poorly following George W. Bush’s bungling of the matter.
~ from Meet Barack Obama by Rob Urie ~
It used to be the sole province of the GOP to complain about budget shortfalls, while pining for war. Now the Democrats -- led by Obama -- have stolen the GOP thunder in this regard. Obama has stated in several of his speeches recently how we all need to tighten our belts and accept a level of sacrifice.

At the same time he tries to pave the way for austerity for the masses, he keeps adding new military endeavors to the equation! And which part of the budget is the most bloated? Why, it's the military budget!!!

Every new military escapade takes away that much more from everything else. Cities and counties are declaring bankruptcy. Our roads and bridges are crumbling under our feet. Civil servants around the country are receiving pink slips and living wage jobs have become harder and harder to come by. A record number of Americans are on Food Stamps, for crying out loud!

Despite the fact that we are hollowing ourselves from the inside out, Obama keeps injecting US military forces into one conflict after another. As we spend more and more taxpayer dollars on ridding the world of America's so-called enemies, the budgetary situation grows more dire.

What to do? What to do? Aah, raid Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! Whoopie! Now we can start more wars!

Previous parts of this miniseries: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 & Part 7 & Part 8

1 comment:

  1. a little alike a self aware lung cell watching over a cancer taking hold of his habitat. nothing else in nature really displays the same level of apparent illogical stupidity as the rich crapping on the poor to maintain riches.


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