Sunday, December 25, 2011

Where Are the Prophets? Lo Ami

Scott Bradley

At the time of my writing it is the 'holiday season'. In this connection I recently heard a political commentator, a liberal, use his final few seconds of 'rant' to say, “What would Jesus do? He would declare the rights of the impoverished over those of the rich. He would cast the money-changers out of the temple."

Where are the prophets? I hear none.

One of the most powerful phrases in the Prophets (a companion to the Torah and the Writings in what Christians call the Old Testament) consists of two words: Lo ami. Not my people. This 'minor' prophet, I forget which one, declared to the Nation of Israel the word of God: You are not my people. You have oppressed the poor and the dispossessed. You are not my people.

Where is the prophet for the Jewish people of today? Yes, you are among the world's most philanthropic, but until you face up to the horrendous crime being committed against the Palestinian people, and your part in perpetuating it, lo ami. It is not the hostility of the Arab peoples that is your greatest enemy; it is Zionism. The militancy of "never again" can only precipitate more of the same. There are many secular Jews who know and proclaim this. But where is the rabbi? Where is he who believes in the God of Israel who stands up, and in the name of that God declares lo ami?

Where is the Christian conservative, the Bible-thumper, who takes to the pulpit and declares to the Church lo ami? You have sided with the oppressors. You have embraced the Empire and declared it a 'chosen people'. You have become chaplain to the Joint Chiefs, put God's seal of approval on the merchants of death. You care for the unborn, but not for the born. It began long ago with Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor; you abandoned God and kissed the ring of power. The Anabaptists broke free; why can't you? Is it that you fear the lions more than your God? Or is it because hate is so much easier than love?

Where is the Islamic scholar who stands up and declares a fatwa against all Islamic extremism and the despicable oppression of most all Islamic peoples by their own governments? Where is the mullah who declares Islamic culture morally bankrupt, who recognizes that righteousness is a great deal more than covering tits and ass, eschewing pig, and declaring that God is great? Lo ami. If God were great, he would disown you.

You are all morally bankrupt. To your shame, it is those who do not believe that carry the torch of righteousness. You have forsaken your God. Lo ami.

Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukah. Happy Eid (when next it comes).

You can check out Scott's other miscellaneous writings here.


  1. We can listen only to the prophet in our own heart.

  2. #WarIsComing #AndPrettyDamnSoon #TheRedSkyProphecyWasJustFulfilled
    Biblically speaking, "spiritual goings-on" have been different for Israel (and the entire planet) since 2008, when 'The Time Of The Gentiles' were numerically fulfilled, dating from the time of destruction of The 1st Temple (of Solomon) -721+2730=2008. The 2730 consists of 390x7, based on the 360/390 prophecy in Ezekiel, and the "Lo Ami" prophecy in Hosea. Judah had been rescued by King Cyrus (who was proclaimed a 'Messiah' believe it or not) and allowed to return after 360 tears of captivity. Ephraim's tribes were commanded to return by 390, or their next chance would be on 390x7 years, to 2008. The Gaza War began in 2008. A 'decree" against Gaza/Arab/Edom/Esau was voiced by the non-Hebrew prophet Obadiah 1:18, which hinges on Joseph's son Ephraim's 10 "Lost" tribe's return. Millions of Israelis turned off their TVs and relaxed in lawn chairs and watched the shelling of Gaza in 2008. I wish I had been there. 'Lost Israel' started returning in 2008, when Afghani Jews from Manasseh, who possessed an ancient Torah scroll in a locked building, and who wore a "Star of David" symbol on their broaches. They began returning, right on time 2730 years later, and in reverse order of their ancient departure, fulfilling the mysterious prophecy of Jesus, who said: "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." The much misunderstood tsadik Jesus clearly stated to his 12 Matthew 15:24, when he answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" or those 10 1/2 tribes (a/k/a The House of of Joseph, House of Israel a/k/a The House of Ephraim, a/k/a The Northern Kingdom) that had been taken away by the Assyrians, except for the very poorest who allowed to remain in The Land, many of whom became The Druze of today, and who fight alongside Jews in the IDF, having served as a population security buffer and placeholder between Lebanon and southern Israel for millennia. Blood is truly thicker than water, thank G-d.


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