Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Year

On August 9 & 10, 2010, I got two crazy ideas. I decided to start two series: Tao Te Ching Line by Line (Aug 9) and Tao Bible (Aug 10). Both seemed like good ideas. I realized that each series would take some time to complete, but, to be perfectly frank, I don't think I understood the actual commitment I was making to myself as well as you.

My initial guess was that the Line By Line series would go for 12 - 18 months. Here we are at the one year mark and we haven't even made it to the halfway point of the text (396 posts as of 9/7/11). So, I'm now thinking it probably will span two years and, maybe, a smidgen more.

My guesstimation for the Tao Bible series will prove to be even more off than for the other series! For some strange reason, I thought I could get through the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments in about one year's time. Well, here we are one year later and I'm not even one-third of the way through (329 posts to date)!

Since I expect to write far more posts on selections from the New Testament -- particularly the 4 gospels -- I now think a conservative estimate is that you will be reading Tao Bible posts through 2013. In all, there will probably be more than 1,000 posts for this one series alone.

While I didn't truly understand what I was getting myself into when I started these two series, I'm glad I did it. It certainly helps me stay disciplined in my writing schedule. Though I often write ahead by several days, it gives me some definite assignments when I sit down at the computer. Since it is an Aspie trait to like routine, these two series have become part of my everyday routine.

So, off we go on year two of both projects.


  1. Wow!

    Would you have started these series if you had known from the beginning they would take so much longer than expected?

  2. That's a good question! I don't know if I would have or not....oh, probably. ;-)


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