Friday, July 10, 2009

Magical Mystery Tour





All of life is a mystery. Sure, we assign words to these many facets and those words have definitions, but they only describe a fraction of what we guess these states are. We say, I KNOW this as fact when, in truth, we really have no idea.

We don't know why life came to be. We don't know where, and IF, existence continues after death.

We don't know why love springs forth from our being or why hate envelops us.

We don't know why you were born to crave tuna salad and why I was born to detest it.

We don't know why some creatures are straight, others are queer and some are a little of both.

We don't know why the sun shines or rain fall from the clouds. Heck, we don't know where the sun and clouds came from or where they will end up.

We don't know what we think we know and we even don't know that which we can't know.

We don't know if life itself is real or simply an illusion.

To this and any other question that might pop into our heads, the only honest answer is "I don't know".

And I don't know if that's correct either.


  1. Well if you don't know I want to talk to who does. :)

    Good thoughts.

    Very important line to learn "I don't know"

  2. You detest tuna salad??? I love it.

    Maybe it's genetic, or maybe some past experience threw the switch in you from 'love' to 'hate'.

    I thought we know why the sun shines?

    I agree that we probably do not know what we can't know.

    To be fair though, there are more and more things that we do know now, compared to centuries ago.

  3. Yes, I detest tuna with every cell of my being! ;P I've never liked it. Just the smell of it makes me nauseous.

    We can describe a whole host of things re the sun, but we don't know why it exists at all. In fact, we don't know why anything exists.

  4. Too much tuna can make me sick too.

    Maybe the sun just exists. There is no why to it. Just because we can formulate a question does not mean that there is an answer to it.

  5. D**n you Temaskain, you mean there is not an answer to my EVERY question? :)

    It just is........


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