Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Cantankerous Fox

For years I've listened to friends and relatives complain about a variety things concerning Internet Explorer. It won't do what I want it to, they moan. As a devout user of FireFox, I just shake my head. Why not download the fox, I suggest.

But I've got to tell ya, FireFox ain't what it use to be. Since upgrading from version 2 to version 3, this wonderful browser has become a bit cantankerous! It freezes up a whole lot more than it used to (sometimes when it's minimized and not even in use) and it has trouble handling particular websites. It's also becoming a memory hog, not a good thing for someone like me with an older computer.

Earlier today I decided to do an uninstall/reinstall to see if this might fix some of the issues. Unfortunately, I've tried a number of gambits and the program refuses to uninstall! So, I'm now trying strategy #2 -- creating a new profile with far fewer add-ons. Thus far, FireFox seems to be working better, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

For those of you using FireFox 3, what do you think about this browser? Have you had any problems with it?


  1. I agree - Firefox 2 was better, faster and used exactly half of the memory. That being said, it is still better the IE.

  2. Hi R T

    I have Firefox, and I have no idea what version, 2? 3?, probably whatever the latest one is - I download when I am notified whatever is available. I am no computer guru, barely can navigate at all.

    Have a good day

    peace to you
    love Gail

  3. I've tried all the browsers for awhile. I've concluded that Google Chrome is, for me, the best browser. However the one thing that firefox had was the 'add-ons' but wasn't enough for me to use it as my default browser. I'd suggest giving Chrome a go and see how you like it as everyone else I introduced it to has.

  4. Chris,
    I've downloaded Chrome & will try it out as my #2 browser. I've also been trying out Safari for Windows.

    Only problem I've found with Chrome & Safari is that, unlike FF, it's much harder to personalize as neither has add-ons.

  5. this is true. I liked chrome over safari because of Chrome's default homepage. All of the websites i visit the most often are right there as thumbnails to click on as well as my history and such. However if I recall, safari recently changed to that format too. . . . so yeah, if there were add on's they'd be golden.


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