Trey Smith
In a confused nation, those whom everyone praises are rewarded even if they have done nothing to merit it.We must live in the quintessential confused society because we fete celebrity like it means everything. Athletes become gods and entertainers become role models. Even those who merely claim their 15 minutes of fame are lionized like saints and apostles!
~ a passage from The Book of Leadership and Strategy by Thomas Cleary ~
Meanwhile, those individuals who truly make a difference in the lives of others -- like teachers or home health caregivers -- are looked down upon. Most go about their daily business in complete obscurity.
To read the introduction to this ongoing series, go here.
Odd isn't it? Imagine if the praise were to be heaped on doctors and scientists. If half the money that's wasted on the culture of celebrity were spent on health, education and science how much better would our world be?