Monday, June 4, 2012

Comment of the Year

If god made man in his own image, then the purest reflection of god in man is the sociopath.
~ by Stan Adermann in response to the post, This Atheist Answers Questions, at On Leaving Fundamentalist Christianity ~

1 comment:

  1. great, I liked his answers but have to add...

    4. If we are ancesoters/descentdents of Apes, then why are there no transitional fossils or species to support this theory?

    ** apes did not become human. apes and humans share a common ancestor which became apes and humans.

    6. Can Nothing come from Something? Doesn’t that violate The First Law of Thermodynamics?

    ** doesn't God violate the first law of thermodynamics? funny how a believer in the virgin birth would look to laws of physics to make a point against an atheist.


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