Saturday, May 26, 2012

Strip...On Demand

Trey Smith

I often find myself engaged in weird conversations in the checkout line at our town's one grocery store. In and of itself, this is not surprising as I am the one responsible for the strange topic or a different take on a familiar topic. What can I say? My Aspie brain often goes off in strange directions!

Anyhow, the other night Kim (the head checker) and I somehow got into a conversation about invalids and sponge baths. The subject related to the fact I was still using a walker to get around as the inflammation in my left hip had yet to subside.

Out of the blue, Kim -- a very modest woman about 10 years my junior -- said, "Strip down and face me." I was stunned. I asked her to repeat what she said which she did. The woman in line behind me, the adjacent checker (Shane) and I simply looked at Kim in disbelief.

One of us -- I don't remember which one -- said we didn't realize she was such a risque gal. She became flustered and turned beet red. It turns out she was speaking in reference to the use of my debit card to pay for my purchases! That day she had several customers who had become confused at the new configuration of the card terminal and so she was merely trying to inform me that the magnetic strip needed to be face down with the back edge facing toward her.

But now she has something to live down! Several of us have ribbed her mercilessly for her apparent statement.

My wife got a big kick out of it. The next day Della and I went shopping together. Seeing Kim stocking on one of the aisles, we approached her. My wife announced that we were facing her and we pretended to strip (disrobe)! Kim turned beet red all over again and the three of us shared a good-natured laugh.

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