Sunday, December 4, 2011

And So It Goes

Trey Smith

After wrestling with my computer for the better part of a day, I finally climbed into bed at around 2:00 this morning. I realized I had only slept for about 3 hours during the past 36 hours or so. But I didn't fall into blissful sleep immediately. I was so exhausted, I couldn't seem to fall asleep!

I must have tossed and turned until about 4:00. Finally, I drifted off into to la la land. My guess is that I would have stayed in la la land for many hours...were it not for some unknown loud sounds coming from downstairs. It took a while for these sounds to penetrate my sleeping brain, but slowly I became aware of some sort of commotion.

And so, less than 4 hours after f-i-n-a-l-l-y getting to sleep, I was rudely awakened. As it so happened, my wife couldn't find her car keys and wanted to use mine instead. Rather than simply coming upstairs to grab them -- she doesn't like to come up here because the staircase is steep -- she pounded on the ceiling and shouted my name for a good 5 minutes.

Of all the days Della could have misplaced her keys, why did it have to be this particular day?

After tossing her my keys and wishing her a safe trip to work, I stumbled back to bed. The dogs didn't allow me to sleep for long!

...and so it goes.

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