Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Brother Is Lurking

After reading George Orwell's 1984 and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, you must excuse me if I'm feeling a wee bit paranoid these days! In both of these dystopian novels, the government (i.e., Big Brother) spends an inordinate amount of time and resources watching its citizens every move.

Anyone who has paid even the slightest bit of attention knows that -- through the kind auspices of the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations -- we are slowly and stealthily moving closer to the dystopian vision. I bring this up because, in the past few days, this blog has been receiving regular visits from one or more someones whose ISP is

It could be that this individual (or individuals) is interested in philosophical Taoism. That wouldn't surprise me in the least because we receive visits from all sorts of domestic and foreign governmental entities. Just because someone is using a government computer doesn't mean they are conducting "official" business. They may be visiting this blog when they shouldn't REALLY be doing it.

Another possibility is that the individual is using masking software. I've used it before myself and some of these programs allow the user to specify the ISP to fake and the false location to indicate. I am nearly positive that, at least, one person who visits regularly is utilizing such a mask because the ISP shown -- -- stays on the blog for a much longer period of time (ranging from several minutes to over an hour) than a bot genuinely would.

Then there is the more disquieting explanation: The pentagon has been tasked with monitoring this blog o-f-f-c-i-a-l-l-y. Of the various writers here, yours truly is the registered tree-hugging, socialist, pacifist blogger! I am known to go off on both Corporate America and our corporate-controlled government.

So, let me address this unknown individual in this way.

If the person from is interested in learning about philosophical Taoism, we're glad to have you.

If the person is merely faking being from and is interested in reading the various musing on this blog, we're glad to have you.

If the pentagon itself has been tasked officially to monitor this blog, then just let me say, BITE ME! mean (gulp)...glad to...have

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