Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Afternoon Matinee: The Primacy of Consciousness, Part 5


  1. Amazing series, this guy's saying stuff I've been saying for a while. The stuff about light, though, is a pretty impressive extension of what I'd been thinking, gotta go watch the end, I can't wait for you to post it

    I'm personally beginning to think, though, that perhaps we can know "the thing as it is" in a way. That is, we can experience the true Now, not our 0.1 second delayed reality; we can do this through the Pure Consciousness Event. That is, through meditation or perhaps chance, we can tune into consciousness itself, "before" that 0.1 second interval when content is experienced. It'd be like skipping ahead a bit, out of our usual conscious experience into consciousness itself. Gotta think about this more...

    One other thing about what he's saying. A revolution in our thought away from the primacy of matter to one of consciousness, is as an old Zen master said of enlightenment: nothing is changed... but everything is changed. In a way, it's merely substituting a structured consciousness for a material, but in the end, is is world changing, a radical new way of understanding.

  2. Imagine this lecture in school instead of the boring stuff.


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