Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Tao - To Not Try To Be Is To Be

Attempting perfection, you show all your faults.

Accepting your faults, is perfection.

Aiming to please, failure.

Being, easy.

Daily Tao is a reprint from Ta-Wan's blog, Daily Cup of Tao, which offers one post per day for an entire year. You also can read these posts in an ebook.


  1. If I were a manager of personnel, I would use this as a mantra at the beginning of performance reviews.

    I never did well int hose sort of reviews because I never really aimed to please others; accepting faults was defeat, and therefore I could never be perfect or excellent in the review's eye.

    I am in such a better place now where it is easy to be.

  2. Warning: Copy editor attack.

    Is "int hose" from Sentence #2 some sort of German phrase? :-D

  3. Ah, touche, no, it's a typo, and a perfect example of a fault while attempting perfection.

    But it does sound like something a real baroness might say or wear!

  4. And I really meant in the "reviewer's eye." I have a sticky Dell keyboard in my office.


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