Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chapter 3, Part 2 - Lieh Tzu

The Master Lieh Tzu said: 'A dream is something that comes into contact with the mind; an external event is something that impinges on the body. Hence our feelings by day and our dreams by night are the result of contacts made by mind or body. it follows that if we can concentrate the maid in abstraction, our feelings and our dreams will vanish of themselves. Those who rely on their waking perceptions will not argue about them. Those who put faith in dreams do not understand the processes of change in the external world.

'The pure men of old passed their waking existence in self-oblivion, and slept without dreams.' How can this be dismissed as an empty phrase?
~ Lionel Giles translation via Terebess Asia Online ~
Go here to read the introductory post to the chapters of the Book of Lieh Tzu.

1 comment:

  1. "Concentrate the maid in abstraction...?" That sounds kinky. I think he means "mind."


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