Everything has to die, to be born, to live. The only consideration the Taoist has is the quality of that life. Deliberately providing an animal with a poor quality of life is regarded by the Taoists in the same way the Buddhists regard the taking of a life. If you cause suffering you will instantly be affected yourself, either in your emotional life or through ill health. If you live gently and cause no offense to others around you, then you will be happy and at peace with the universe.I often hear from the devout that there can be no morality without god. It is this idea that humans can't figure out on our own that harmony and balance makes the world less stressful.
~ from The Tao of Food by Richard Craze and Roni Jay ~
We can see this dynamic at play in our own lives. When we engage in disharmonious thought and behavior, we suffer. We are beset with all sorts of ills. We feel tension and so we frantically look for outlets -- many of these are unsafe and/or unhealthy -- to force the string to unwind.
When we engage in harmonious thought and behavior, there is no internal tension to wrestle with. We find peace and serenity in our hearts.
I don't need some extraterrestrial or supernatural entity to tell me this. I can and do experience this for myself.
It's instant karma, baby!
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