Friday, April 15, 2011

More N Klein-ed 3

Through all its various name changes -- the War on Terror, the war on radical Islam, the war against Islamofascism, the Third World War, the long war, the generational war -- the basic shape of the conflict has remained unchanged. It is limited by neither time nor space nor target. From a military perspective, these sprawling and amorphous traits make the War on Terror an unwinnable proposition. But from an economic perspective, they make it an unbeatable one.
~ from The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein ~
While, as Klein clearly details in her book, the minions of the Bush administration were the architects of war as a private profit-generating form of policy, there can be no question that President Obama has embraced this standard as well. Under his watch, we haven't conducted less war, we've merely switched theaters.

As US planes continue to bomb Libya, I continue to be dumbfounded that our president won a Nobel P-E-A-C-E Prize. Every day that he has been in office we have waged, at minimum, 2 wars. That number is undoubtedly higher if we include the covert military actions in places like Pakistan and Yemen.

How on earth can such deliberate actions be equated with peace?

It certainly isn't peaceful for the nations we continue to attack and, because of our leader's thirst for bloodletting, it has led to vicious attacks on domestic spending. Under his tutelage, we're killing foreigners with bullets, bombs and missiles, while Americans are suffering and dying for a lack of basic services.

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