Saturday, March 5, 2011

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Yesterday I went to Aberdeen for my EEG. All I can tell you is that it was one weird experience. The parts I enjoyed the least were a) having strobe lights flash in front of my closed eyes for about 5 minutes and b) purposely being instructed to hyperventilate. Both left me feeling very discombobulated.

Later in the day a male friend of mine asked me the kind of question only piggish men ask (and all of us men are pigs)! What Paul wanted to know is if the EEG technician was good looking. Here's the strange part: I don't know!!

I spent nearly one hour in a small room with this woman and yet I can't tell you a thing about her appearance. I'm clueless as to the color or length of her hair, what she was wearing or almost anything else about her physical being. If I bumped into her tomorrow, chances are very strong that I wouldn't recognize her at all.

This happens to me all the time. People ask about others I've met and I usually can't tell them a thing about what a person looks like. I can easily describe the location or the room I met the person in, but my memory that pertains to the person themselves tends to be blank.

When I was a young lad, this used to drive me crazy. I'd meet a beautiful young woman and, though I would later recognize that I was attracted to her, I rarely would be able to envision her face or much of anything else about her.

Of course, I now understand the reason for this "issue" -- I look through people and I rarely make genuine eye contact. Even when you might think I'm looking you in the eye, most of the time I'm not. My gaze is focused on an imaginary spot on your forehead or something just over your shoulder.

I've learned this trick through the years because it unnerves people if they don't think you're paying attention. So, I pretend to look at them, even though not looking would afford me the opportunity to pay much better attention to what they are saying!

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