Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

Usually, when people use the phrase, "What goes around comes around," they loosely are referring to karma, what we dish out in life tends to come back to us at some point along the journey. However, this morning I was thinking of this phrase in a far more innocuous manner. It sort of stuck in my head as I was standing in my bathroom.

As a child, I was never into art. To be certain, I participated in art classes in pre-school, kindergarten and grade school, but I could always think of hundreds of things I would rather be doing! While art never grabbed my fancy, there was one aspect of art I really liked: the paste.

I vaguely remember that it came in a white plastic canister with a blue top. It sort of resembled bleached white vanilla pudding that had solidified somewhat. What I remember most about this non-toxic substance was that it tasted good!! I remember getting in trouble more than a few times because a teacher had caught me eating paste. (I should note that I wasn't the only one; eating this sweet concoction was popular in my age group.)

Of course, I was told in no uncertain terms that P-A-S-T-E was for the various art projects, not my mouth. I'm sure I was lectured about how eating paste would turn me into an insane criminal, a Republican or something equally as dastardly. ;-)

Flash forward fifty years or so. While I was sternly admonished in my early years for putting adhesives in my mouth, what do I now do every morning? I put adhesives in my mouth and it is completely socially acceptable. I have to glue in my dentures.

I do see a bit of a difference between the two activities. In the first instance, I was actively eating the adhesive. In this later instance, I'm simply utilizing the adhesive. Regardless of the intent of application, it still strikes my funny bone as ironic that what was a big no-no when I was three is now a big yes-yes when I'm 53.

I suppose it's a good thing my denture adhesive isn't as tasty as the paste I liked to eat as a child because, if it was, I'd go through vastly more tubes of the stuff than I do now. :-D


  1. Yes, the irony. Thanks for the memory.

    I remember being "served" this paste, by the teacher, with a wooden ruler used to deliver a big glob from a huge jar onto a brown piece of paper toweling. It tasted good, smelled good, and felt good too.


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