Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 16, Part 2

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Gabi: Merde! Sue-tzu, how do you live with this not-buddha!?

Sue-tzu: By letting him and me and everything just be, I guess. I think it’s great that you are hungry to know Mark-tzu’s experience, and despite what he says, knowing about what led up to his experience can help you. And Scott-tzu can help you with that. I know it’s hard to imagine such a rascally intimate having such knowledge, but remember, knowledge is nothing all that special.

Scott-tzu: Thanks for the endorsement. But under the circumstances, wouldn’t you be a much better teacher — especially since it is you that taught me. And you are way ahead of me in the awakening game.

Sue-tzu: That’s like saying I’m ahead of you on the merry-go-round.

Scott-tzu: I don’t believe that for a minute. Just because you aren’t in...la-la land with Mark-tzu doesn’t mean you don’t have more spiritual maturity than me. Sorry, Sue-tzu, but you do ‘reek’ a bit of contentment yourself.

Sue-tzu: Okay, I can accept that. As long as we recognize the difference between ‘growth’ and ‘quantum leap’.

Gabi: What is ‘quantum leap’?

Scott-tzu: “Growing’ is improving. ‘Quantum leap-ing’ is jumping to another level — like Mark-tzu — and that’s when the ‘just happens’ happens.

Gabi: So, Sue-tzu, you will teach me?

Scott-tzu: And me?

Sue-tzu: I will share with you, Gabi. Scott-tzu, you already know too much. I’ll just give you this that Mark-tzu first told me when he...leapt: I lost the faith. That’s all you get. I lost the faith.

Scott-tzu: ‘I lost the faith.’ Thanks. Which faith exactly was it you lost, Mark-tzu?

Mark-tzu: Any faith. Every faith. Whatever faith I had. You know, Scott-tzu. You know what faith you have and what faith you have to lose.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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