Monday, November 8, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 13, Part 3

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Mark-tzu: So, we can begin with an ‘idea’ and then pretend that we experience it and this will enable us to really experience it? Isn’t this again putting the cart before the horse—the concept before the reality? Isn’t this applying something we know?

Scott-tzu: Well, then, what about ‘trying on’ an experience? Wasn’t it Sue-tzu who suggested doing this in the first place?

Perhaps, but let’s hear you’re answer.

Well, if I can’t ‘try on’ an idea, then . . . I can only ‘try on’ an experience. But if I have experienced it why should I need to ‘try it on’?

What does it mean that you have this concept — ‘trying on’ — and you can’t figure how to apply it?

That I am beginning with an idea—with knowing. I have let ideas get ahead of experience and let them lead instead of the other way around. But then, are we to reject Sue-tzu’s suggestion of ‘trying on’?

I don’t know, Scott-tzu. I don’t do answers. Ask your mother.


Sue-tzu: Buz has experienced something of what it is to be identity-free; now that he understands something of the experience he can ‘try it on’ as a means to furthering the experience. Does that put us back on the straight and narrow, Dad?


Mark-tzu: Yes, that would seem to let us return to not-knowing.

Apart from it being fun, is there any point, then, in sharing what it feels like to be free of identity?

Nellie: Maybe we should just leave it be for now. And, anyway, it’s getting on lunch time.

Okay, let’s call it quits for today. And since we seem to be playing tag-team, I’d like to ask Mark-tzu to facilitate for us tomorrow.

Mark-tzu: And so you get your revenge! Okay. For tomorrow, I’d like you to consider today, the possibility that all we have said here and all that was said in Nepal is a load of shit. Have a good day!

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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