Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fighting Inertia

I wrote on Sunday about being in a bit of funk. Life is about peaks and valleys, ups and downs. Most people I know enjoy many upbeat periods and others that aren't so perky. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns and it takes the best of us a while to regain our bearings.

The Taoist sages stress that we are better off if we don't allow external stimuli to nudge us away from our chosen paths. I grant that this is sound advice, yet, as social beings, it can be very difficult to take such notions to heart. When the world itself seems to be spinning downward into a whirlpool of hate, oppression, injustice, and chaos, it can be very hard not to feel as if we are being sucked down too.

If you're expecting me now to come up with some enlightened moral to this brief post, you will be sorely disappointed. As I have tried to make clear on this blog, I am no sage. I struggle with life just as much (if not more so) than the next John or Jane.

I do acknowledge that one of the things that often leads to a depressed mood is inertia and I am battling a strong case of it. I'm confident it will abate in time -- it always has before -- and I will hit a renewed fervor of philosophic insight.

As it stands right now, however, I'm simply feeling a bit intellectually numb. It is not so much a case of writer's block; it's more a periodic thinking block.

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