Sunday, July 11, 2010


I just ordered a refurbished computer online. I've been trying to upgrade the memory in my computer, but each time I add a new memory card, my computer refuses to boot. The last time this happened -- a few days ago -- it took nearly half of a day before it finally decided to connect to something!!

I don't understand the problem. All of the memory has the same parameters. The cards should be interchangeable. I've tried putting them in utilizing every imaginable configuration (even resorting to the configuration I had BEFORE I tried to change it), but it still will not boot.

Since this computer has been giving me fits for the past year, the time has come to replace it.

My "new to me" computer won't arrive for a week or so. This means that, if I continue to be unable to get my current clunker going again, posting will be a lot more sparse because I don't feel as comfortable in my wife's computer room as in my own. It will also mean that the third part of the Book of Chen Jen and the ongoing Daodejing - Other Voices series will go on hiatus because all of the information is locked away in the hard drive of the clunker.

I do wish to add one more interesting tidbit. The computer on its way comes loaded with Windows XP. Up until a few months ago, I would have been very pleased with this fact. However, owing to the computer malfunctions I suffered through in March, I've really gotten to where I prefer Linux far more. So, once the newbie is brought home, I'm will immediately erase XP and replace it with my Debian GNU/Linux or I might even try Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

1 comment:

  1. Avoid the frustration and misery. Let go your attachment to Pitiful Computers (PCs).

    Get a MAC and just use it.


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