Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everybody Needs Down Time

While I've been as critical as the next person considering BP's deplorable response to the gulf oil spill, I really think people need to cut chief executive Tony Hayward a teeny bit of slack. The big furor of the past 24 hours concerns Hayward's decision to attend yacht races in England. Pundits and citizens alike say this only shows how out of touch he is.

There's no question that, like Sarah Palin, this man keeps putting his foot in his mouth. His performance in Congress this week was embarrassing. Still, for all the criticism the man richly deserves, taking a day off shouldn't be one of them.

As Taoism teaches, the key to balance is staying in the middle. When crisis strikes, it behooves us to stay on top of it. However, no one can stay on top of anything 24/7. If we don't take a break now and then, it's hard to maintain focus on the tasks at hand.

Tony is a wealthy bloke. It's not unheard of for wealthy people to own yachts. Whether he's watching yacht races or kicking back to enjoy a few cold ones under a shady tree, he, like anyone else, needs some down time.

Many people are describing the gulf situation as a war. If people want to use this metaphor, then consider what happens to soldiers involved in major battles. When commanders are able, they rotate forces in and out of the front lines. It's not unheard of for a soldier to be on the front lines one day, then be given a pass the next to get a little R & R.

As I wrote above, Hayward richly deserves a lot of criticism for the way he's mishandled the vast majority of the media aspects of this calamity. But don't begrudge the guy for needing a day off.

1 comment:

  1. HI R T

    As I was watching all the "hub-bub" about his day on his yacht I too thought, "why is this such big deal?" His physical presence is NOT going to impact the outcome at all -

    Love you
    peace and hope.....


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