Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 120, Part I

from Verse One Hundred Twenty
Nothing and no one in the world is valuable and worthless. If they are valued for what is valuable about them, then all things and all beings are valuable. If they are despised for what is worthless about them, then all things and all beings are worthless.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
If all things are different manifestations of the One, then we each share the same intrinsic qualities. As humans, we make distinctions like valuable and worthless, yet the Way makes no distinctions at all.

To come at this from a slightly different direction, if we each are part of one consciousness or one source, how could our essential nature be different from that which we are a part of? If the One is viewed by the human mind as strong, how could any form be weak? If the One is viewed by the human mind as low, how could any form be high?

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Not all beings reflect the qualities of the Great Mother.
    They are of her, but not knowing this, they are not like her.
    All beings may reflect their source.
    Not all beings do.

  2. this reminds me of the Lakota trickster Mika (coyote) saying, "Nothing is Sacred, and Everything is Sacred".
    It all depends on your viewpoint and what you value. The world itself doesn't "value" anything, which is why some people say nature is harsh or impersonal, and why we have to impose judgmental gods into our beliefs. most people want to be valued by the world, but universal judgment comes with its own problems.

  3. Crow,
    Maybe all do, but we just don't recognize it as such.

    Glad to have you back!! Hope things on the farm have settled down.


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