Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 4, Part I

from Verse Four
Sagehood has nothing to do with governing others but is a matter of ordering oneself. Nobility has nothing to do with power and rank but is a matter of self-realization; attain self-realization, and the whole world is found in the self. Happiness has nothing to do with wealth and status, but is a matter of harmony.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Too often, we look to external criteria to help us define our own self-identity. For too many of us, it matters more what others think of us than what we think of ourselves. So, we go about finding mechanisms and avenues to mold our lives to fit into proscribed social categories. In other words, we become what others think we should be -- even when we know in our heart that it's all a facade.

As the above paragraph underscores, true greatness comes from me being me and you being you. When we are true to our nature and we follow our own path, we gain supreme insight and wisdom. We no longer feel the need to put on airs and we refuse to play the game of appearing like someone we are not.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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