Monday, November 2, 2009

Real Life Tao - Understanding Connections

One of the core principles of philosophical Taoism is that all things are connected. One of the ways we Taoists like to explain this is to say that all life forms merely are different manifestations of Tao (the One).

Another key point in Taoism is that, by looking inward, each of us is able to understand the entire world. In essence, each of us represents a microcosm of the flows and rhythms inherent in the universe.

Let me provide a personal example of how I fuse these two concepts together to help me better understand the world around me.

I live with a good amount of pain. It's my constant companion. It doesn't tend to reside in one place -- it moves around daily. Recently, I've added a new pain to my daily regimen: my mouth. I've got more broken teeth and cavities than you can shake a stick at. (I'm scheduled to have all my teeth pulled on January 5.)

Having bad teeth is not an isolated problem. It affects my mood; it's difficult to be cheery and happy with multiple toothaches! It affects my ability to concentrate; the pain spreads out from my jaw to my head. It affects my diet; I can't eat anything hard or chewy and I must stay away from cold or hot foods and beverages. It affects my appearance; I don't smile as often because who wants to see a mouth full of rot? It affects my overall health; lots of entry points for germs, viruses and bacteria.

So, while this particular problem is centered in one small area of my body, it affects the whole person I know as me. And the same can be said of any of my various pains; they affect not only the specific area of agony, but they also impact various aspects of this one self.

It is by understanding the interconnections in our bodies and minds that we come to understand the interconnection of all things. Every thought, statement, action or behavior of each actor causes the proverbial ripple effect that spreads out from our center to points unknown. None of us has even the slightest inkling of how far and wide the waves reach.

If a bad tooth can affect so many pathways in one body, an ill word or negative action by any of us can affect the pathways of the universe.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. i like how you described it. very well said, good motivation for working on improvement in all areas of life. :)

  2. Oh, I can relate--I have chronic plantar's fasciitis (heel pain) that competes for attention with arthritis in my wrist.

    My qigong sifu suggested the practice of assigning each pain a particular can help you sort of separate from it, step back and just look at it.


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