Saturday, October 3, 2009

Soup's On

Most days, I make my soup right here. I kind of look around to see what words are in my mental cabinet. I cut 'em and dice 'em. I string 'em together in different combinations. Sometimes I let it all simmer quietly in the pot, while, on other days, it's a rapid, rolling boil. Once thoroughly heated, I let the whole thing sit awhile before serving it up.

Some days it's really delicious soup. At other times, you all help mightily by adding some needed seasoning. Of course, there are times when it turns out rather tasteless. When the chef doesn't follow a recipe, you never know if it will come out yummy or not. All you can do is slurp up a spoonful or two, then you'll know if the proper balance of ingredients and flavors was achieved.

Today, I made soup in the kitchen. I looked around to see what was in the fridge, on one of the counters and in the cabinets. I found acorn squash, red potatoes, a yellow onion, carrots, celery, a clove or two of garlic, mushrooms and a handful of red chard leaves. So, I cut 'em and diced 'em. I threw it all in my favorite soup pot and mixed them up.

After adding some water, I allowed the mixture to boil for a while, then simmered it for 2 hours. At some point after most of the boiling, I added some Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids, a pinch of salt, pepper, paprika, tarragon, Italian seasoning, nutritional yeast and a bit more garlic, for good measure.

Since I was doing this freestyle -- I almost never use a recipe to make soup -- I wasn't sure until I tasted it if this effort would turn out delicious or not. As far as my palate goes, it's super yummy.

Alas, that's the difference between making soup here and in the kitchen. With the former, you can ladle out as many servings as you desire and it's all calorie free!! : ) Unfortunately, I don't think you will get to taste the latter.

But I've set a bowl out for you, nonetheless. Simply place your nose next to your monitor. Can't you smell the tantalizing aroma? Mmmmmmmmm. Good, isn't it?

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