Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Way of Money

In for a Penny, In for $2.98 Trillion
By Robert Scheer
from TruthDig

The good news on the government’s “No Banker Left Behind” program is that, according to the special inspector general’s report on Tuesday, the total handout to date is still less than 3 trillion dollars. It’s only $2.98 trillion, to be precise, an amount six times greater than will be spent by federal, state and local governments this year on educating the 50 million American children in elementary and secondary schools.

The bad news is that even greater amounts of money are to be thrown down what has to be the world record for rat holes.

Where did the money go? Almost all of it went to the bankers and stockbrokers who got us into this mess by insisting that the complex-by-design derivatives they trafficked in should not be regulated by government since they were private transactions between consenting professionals. Sort of like a lap dance: If it doesn’t work out, that’s the problem of the parties involved and no concern of the government.

For the government to intervene would have created “legal uncertainty” in the derivatives market, an argument that a Republican-dominated Congress and President Clinton bought in authorizing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in December of 2000. That law brought “legal certainty” to the market, a phrase that Lawrence Summers, then Clinton’s secretary of the treasury and now Barack Obama’s top White House economics adviser, deployed incessantly as a calming mantra as the financial derivatives market swirled out of control.

Now Summers and the other finance gurus who move so easily from Wall Street to Pennsylvania Avenue assure us that those professionals who made the toxic swap deals are too big to fail and must be entrusted with 3 trillion of our dollars to save themselves from disaster. And thanks to the laws they wrote, the bankers are likely to be covered for their socially destructive behavior by a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Well, maybe not all of them. A shudder must have run through the former Wall Street buddies of Bernie Madoff—once the highly respected chairman of the Nasdaq stock exchange—when Inspector General Neil Barofsky warned on Tuesday that “we are looking at the potential exposure of hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money lost to fraud.”

How naive. The fraud no doubt has occurred and will occur again, but the exposure part is more questionable, if by that is meant bringing the criminals to account. As opposed to welfare cheats who end up imprisoned over scams that involve hundreds of dollars, these guys have brilliant lawyers who tell them how to steal legally when it comes to billions in fraud.

But most likely the white-collar criminals, if they are high enough up the food chain, will not even be quizzed about their activities. As the independent Congressional Oversight Panel has reported, there has been no serious accounting of the bailout money. It took major pressure from a Congress reacting to an outraged public to discover that AIG, in addition to handing out hundreds of millions in bonuses to the very hustlers who created the firm’s swindles, was a conduit for at least $70 billion in taxpayer money to reimburse the banks and stockbrokers who got us into this crisis with their bad bets.

No surprise there, given the incestuous world of finance, where the revolving doors between the Treasury Department, the Fed and executive offices in the industry have been swinging throughout both Republican and Democratic administrations. As a result, those orchestrating the bailout and those grabbing the money are for the most part friends and former colleagues, with enormous respect for each other but not for the American taxpayer and homeowner. Or for the autoworkers who had nothing to do with creating this problem but stand to lose their retiree health benefits and pensions if the Obama administration goes though with its threat to use bankruptcy to discharge GM and Chrysler from their obligations to their workers. Why float a company like AIG to the tune of $170 billion to keep that massive conglomerate from bankruptcy but balk at a much smaller commitment to keep GM solvent?

The money involved in the auto bailout is chump change compared with what Wall Street got, and it is far better spent. As opposed to the financial high rollers richly rewarded for crawling in and out of balance sheets, the folks who crawl in and out of cars along an assembly line are left with permanent aching backs and hard-won health care and retirement plans about to disappear through their company’s bankruptcy. Where’s their bonus package?
If you read the alternative media, there are countless articles and commentaries like the one above. In each one, the author expresses outrage over the fact that the people who got us into this financial mess are the same ones receiving the bulk of the bailout money. Even more interesting is that these reporters and pundits express outrage at the way this whole scenario is playing out.

If we get real, however, what is playing out in America today is nothing unusual -- the rich always are at the head of the line! It may not be right. It may not be just. But it's the way it always has been and probably will be.

A lot has been made of AIG giving huge bonuses to their high rollers. What did most people expect? These individuals are used to living a certain lifestyle and, crisis or no crisis, they expect to keep living that way. It may seem vulgar to the rest of us, but who cares? And folks, though AIG has become the poster child for this kind of behavior, don't fool yourselves -- most of their brethren are following suit.

While the current financial meltdown has exposed more every day Americans to the way of money in American capitalist society, it won't change anytime soon. The big wigs already know that Americans are far too complacent to make demands. There will not be any massive protests like there have been in London this week or almost anywhere in Europe over the past few months. Americans may spout off angrily on Talk Radio or C-Span, but that's about the most they will do.

Whether the various bailouts actually work to save our economic future is immaterial. That's not it's true purpose and, worst of all, most of us peons know this. President Obama (and his merry men) is a present day reverse Robin Hood -- stealing from the poor to feed the rich.

1 comment:

  1. Very apropos ramble with little hope.
    What is playing out will happen again much like the recent meltdown illistrated so well in this youtube parody:


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