Thursday, April 2, 2009

Of Almost No Importance

I do a lot of searching on the internet -- mainly via Google. I'm not the greatest typist in the world which is a polite way of stating that I have a propensity for striking the wrong keys on my keyboard. For example, let's say I want information about the movie, Dr. Strangelove. It would not be uncommon for me to type the following in the search field: Dr, Stranheloover. :-)

Here's the interesting thing. It seems like no matter which keys are struck, results pop up. I mean, I have really mangled some search terms before and yet I still find results -- sometimes what I was really trying to look for!

So, as an experiment, this morning I went to Google and entered a bunch of random words. In each instance, the result was thousands of entries. Here they are:
  • green phosphorus pigeon -- 71,000 pages
  • mars congo poison butterfly -- 42,000 pages
  • "Halle Berry" "Karl Marx" -- 22,300 pages
  • tao pig Jesus Socrates -- 10,900 pages
  • crap orange squirrel rummy -- 4,000 pages
Weird, isn't it?


  1. I typed in "phosphorus Halle Berry tao orange" and got 801 hits.

    That is one sparkling, good-looking, philosophical orange!

    Thanks for the smiles. : )
    I really needed it.

  2. You may try advance search to narrow the result.

  3. I hear that tao pig Jesus Socrates plays a mean game of crap orange squirrel rummy.

  4. Tikno,
    I think you missed the point of this exercise. :) I'm actually not looking for anything in particular, so there's no need to narrow the results.

  5. If almost no importance, then everything is almost important. Let me knows if i am wrong to understand this post. What is the point?

  6. There really wasn't much of a point at all. It's just a goofy entry on something that I thought was quasi interesting. :)

  7. Pointless, absurd, goofy, humorous....

    Sometimes that's as good a point as any. Works for me.

  8. By the way, RT, I think you've inspired me. I think I'll name my next band "The Tao Pigs."



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