Monday, March 9, 2009

Heads in the Sand

Here's a really disturbing news article courtesy of Common Dreams. It continually amazes me how some people can steadfastly deny the obvious. I'm sure there is an economic angle involved.

Czech Leader Joins Meeting of Climate Change Deniers
• US convention aimed at escalating confrontation • Klaus to attack "arrogant, unscrupulous ideology"
by Suzanne Goldenberg

It is billed as the largest ever gathering of climate change deniers, a convention that kicked off last night with a title suggesting global warming is a thing of the past, and a guest list that includes a hurricane forecaster, a retired astronaut and a sitting European president.

Entitled Global Warming: Was It Ever Really a Crisis? and featuring some of the most prominent naysayers in the climate change debate, this week's conference in New York sets out to escalate its confrontation with the scientific establishment, the vast majority of whose members subscribe to the view that humans are the principal cause of climate change.

Conference organisers were celebrating something of a coup in securing as a keynote speaker the Czech president, Václav Klaus, at a time when his country holds the rotating presidency of the EU. Klaus, a Eurosceptic, believes that efforts to protect the world from the impact of climate change are an assault on freedom.

In his remarks last night, Klaus accused European governments of being "alarmist" on the subject of climate change and in thrall to radical environmentalists.

"They probably do not want to reveal their true plans and ambitions to stop economic development and return mankind several centuries back," he said.

He received a standing ovation. But Klaus admitted that his position was a lonely one.

"It is evident that the climate change debate has not made any detectable progress," he said. "It reminds me of the frustration people like me felt in the communist era."

This week's gathering by the Heartland Institute, a Chicago thinktank that shares the Czech president's free-market views, brings together some of the more vocal critics of the scientific consensus, which maintains that rising temperatures are now so dangerous to people's existence as to warrant urgent action.

Among more than 70 participants listed by the Heartland Institute is Jack Schmitt, a former astronaut, who now teaches engineering physics. William Gray, who is regarded as a leading hurricane forecaster, is also listed, along with Fred Singer, the atmospheric physicist who argues that a melting Arctic would have some positive effects, including the formation of the long-sought north-west passage. There is also a strong contingent of free marketeers and conservative commentators, including Christopher Booker and Christopher Monckton, both British.

Environmentalists argue that climate change denial, although the view of a minority, has damaged efforts to introduce policies to address the changes.

Kert Davies, research director for Greenpeace, says the climate change deniers have been adept at adapting their views as the public grows more conscious of the dangers of global warming.

The deniers also have resources. The Centre for Public Integrity said in a report last month that the lobby opposing climate change action gave work to 2,430 Washington lobbyists in 2008. The report estimated that about 15% of Washington's lobbyists were now working to try to stop Congress from passing a law putting a cap on carbon.

"They are on the fringes - when you look at where the public is on this issue, where governments are on this issue, and where scientific organisations are on this issue," said Kevin Grandia, the manager of DeSmogBlog, which seeks to counter misinformation on global warming. "The problem is when you take that fringe and add in the public relations ability to amplify that message. They have ingrained their message so well ... it can easily be used as a tool to oppose legislation."

Opinion polls show that about 58% of Americans believe human activity is causing climate change. However, many do not see a need for urgent action. A poll by the Pew Research Centre this year showed that climate change ranked last among topics of public concern to Americans.

The Heartland Institute was funded by Exxon Mobil until 2006. It disavows such links for this conference, but lists 55 sponsors, some of which do receive funding from Exxon and rightwing thinktanks.


  1. There is nothing "obvious" about climate change.
    Canada has had its coldest winter in half a century: there has been more snow than ever before.
    It's cold outside.
    So some ice is melting. That's what ice sometimes does. It freezes again too.
    Some people deny God.
    Others deny climate change.
    Still others, the holocaust.
    So what?
    Here's what I believe:
    People generally aren't too smart.

  2. Well Crow, whaddya know, I agree with your last line. ;)

    Reminds me of a line from the film "Men in Black" when Tommy Lee Jones is explaining everything to Will Smith, and he says something like "And individual person may be very smart, but people as a mass are quite stupid."

    Well, they can be, anyway....

    I fear (most days actually) that willful ignorance--not in short supply in the world--will be the eventual death and destruction of the species....

  3. hehe :)
    It occurred to me later that I had read "climate change" as "global warming" and if they are synonymous, then what I wrote is what I believe.
    But if climate change meant exactly that, I would have to say: indeed it is changing: it's getting colder!
    -11C tonight, when the normal temperature is +5C.

    And yes, Forest: ignorance already has gone a long way towards eliminating our species.
    Ours is not to reason why: ours is but to do and die.

  4. Due to the "warming" being a little unreliable they have gone for "change" as the new enemy to rally the people into openly asking to be taxed more.

    As we know change is the only thing that is guaranteed and now they are at war with it. Like the war on terror it has no end and spurs itself.

    All planets in the solar system are showing similar ups and downs - sun related, no SUV's on Mars.

    Map greenhouse gases to temperature and there is an approximate relationship. Yet map sun temperature to earth temperature and there is an exact relationship.

    While I wish for a simple and green life I do not jump on these trends but sit back and watch how the various methods of ralleying the public are manipulated.

    Today on the radio they had a school pressure group of 15 year olds pressuring the government! The system is to divide people to two camps, who then argue it out until they demand the very change that had been hoped for and feel vindicated in their new trap.

    "3 in the morning" by Chaung Tzu ringsd a belll here.

    Ultimately they want to tax us for what industry and greed has done. And they want us to ask for that.. just watch how cleverly they manipulate and will get just that :)

    Really change happens.. that's all we need to know. Yes we should be green as we have a beautiful planet - but the whys and the reasons are bullshit tennis with neither side telling the truth.

    // off soapbox :-D


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