
Thursday, March 24, 2011

God and Anger

If there is one emotion that God exhibits more than any other, it has got to be anger. The divine creator spends a good deal of his time being pissed off!

Adam and Eve ticked him off. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah sent him into a rage. The entirety of humanity got under his skin so much that he almost wiped out the whole lot of them with a flood. A non-Levite tries to keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling into the unholy dirt and God has a tizzy fit. In book after book and verse after verse, we hear about God's mighty wrath and anger.

We humans know what anger does to the person holding it. Decisions made under the duress of anger tend to be not the most well thought out. When any of us are hopping mad, we tend to say and do things that hurt others. Often, once we cool down, we feel much remorse for our actions and words.

But the most dangerous thing that anger does is that it poisons us from the inside out. It blots out love and compassion. It generates stress and, if the stress builds up too high, it can actually kill a person!

Since God spends so much of his time flitting from one fit of rage to the next, it makes one wonder if God hasn't poisoned his own well.

This post is part of a mini-series. To read the intro, go here.

1 comment:

  1. it all makes sense now... we're made in his image.... that's why we're angry all the time....


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