
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tao and the Internet

In a recent email I received, the sender suggested that Lao Tzu "would love the internet." I thought this was an interesting comment and I've spent a bit of time pondering it.

Since we have no way of knowing IF Lao Tzu ever existed and, even if he did, we know next to nothing about him personally, my guess is that he would view the internet in an ambivalent manner. On the one hand, "he" often wrote in the Tao Te Ching about unlearning knowledge and approaching life like a child. On the other hand, he believed it was important to master a discipline or craft and the internet often can aid in this area.

While I'm not altogether certain how Lao Tzu would approach this topic, I feel a bit more confident that Zhuangzi would not be impressed in the least! When offered an important position in a far off big city, he was content to stay where he was and to do what he typically did. While he may have had no problem with others experiencing the internet experience -- following their own path -- I think Zhuangzi would much preferred the inner world wide web of nature over sitting in his hut staring at a monitor.

What do you think?


  1. There is a chapter later in the TTC, more in the Te section that refers to new inventions. They are taken on their value, we see how much use they really offer. We are not to choose things that take the work of man as then we are left with unemployment and men not using their skills but we are to see if these new inventions offer some benefit. Us them if they do and cast them off if they don't.

    Can't remember the exact chapter though.

  2. Well, my Tao teacher, who is pretty esoteric, has a website. I'm pretty sure that in between his meditation practice and other teaching, he uses the tool to gather knowledge. Not that he is Lao Tzu.


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