
Friday, April 2, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 167

from Verse One Hundred Sixty-Seven
One who kills innocent people is an unjust ruler, the very worst of vermin. There is no greater calamity than to collect the wealth of the land to support the desires of an individual. To give rein to the desires of an individual, thereby fostering trouble throughout the land, is unacceptable to natural ethics.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Modern warfare is all about killing and terrorizing the innocent. Both the Nazis and Allied Forces employed this strategy in WWII and it continues today on all sides.

In many countries -- certainly in the US -- the wealth of the common people is collected to support the lifestyles of the rich and powerful. In just the last two years or so, our government has handed over billions upon billions of dollars to the very people, companies and institutions who brought us to the brink of economic ruin.

People are angry and this anger is taking on many forms -- a lot of it malevolent. I fear that it will continue to brew until some deranged and/or self-righteous individuals carry out some dastardly plans.

We're setting ourselves up for a great trouble throughout the land.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. The worst killing of all is the murdering of unborn babies by Barack HUSSEIN Obama and the rest of the liberal Democrats.

    50 million babies have been murdered since Roe v Wade because mena nd women want the right to choose. You have the right to choose - BEFORE sex. What are you? A wild baboon? can't control the position of your legs? Just gotta have sex and then murder the baby afterwards because you just want to get your genitals off?

    50 million babies murdered because of liberals. And you have the unmitigated gall to talk about "war". Well, there will sadly be war - Civil War. I deplore that, but Obama is forcing it on the nation. A black man no less.


  2. Just grabbing a handy dictionary, I find that "baby" is defined as an infant or young child. If a being is yet to be born, then it doesn't meet either definition. So, one can't kill a baby that isn't a baby.

    Now let's address a different subject. What about women who don't want to have sex, but it's forced on them by men? Your language -- can't control the position of your legs -- seems to infer that you lay all the "blame" for unwanted pregnancies on the fairer sex.

    It takes two to tango and, in this male-dominated society, women aren't always given much voice in the matter. So, what do you have to say about men who force sex on women (like, say, devout Catholic men who refuse to condone any method of birth control)?


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