
Friday, April 2, 2010

The Two Greatest Commandments

As I watch the Christian Right hammer away at our president (whom I'm not that fond of either, but for different reasons) and the Democratic-controlled Congress, I must admit I am more than a little perplexed. On the one hand, they spew forth with the worst invectives possible while, on the other hand, they say they are believers of a religious faith whose foundation is the concept of love. I'm sorry, by these two positions don't jibe in the least!

For all their talk about being "saved" and believing that Jesus Christ is their personal Lord and Savior, they neither behave as if they have been saved nor that they believe in this supposed Son of God. In fact, their actions belie any notion whatsoever that they think much of this Jesus fellow at all.

In two different versions of the Gospel (Matthew & Mark), Jesus is quoted as saying that the two greatest commandments are : 1) To love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength; and 2) To Love your neighbor as yourself.

Obviously, the first of these two commandments is between you and your creator. Only he will be able adequately to judge if you've met his litmus test.

The second one, however, applies to the way followers are supposed to comport themselves in social relations with others. To my way of thinking, if a believer can't follow this central dictate from their self-identified deity, then what does it truly mean to be saved or to have a personal relationship with someone you choose to ignore on a routine basis?

Think about this for a minute. People on the Religious Right have been calling Obama the anti-Christ! They've declared that he and the Dems are emissaries of Satan. They've charged that anyone with a remotely progressive idea is leading the world to unholy ruin.

How does any of this rabid rhetoric meet the standard of "Love thy neighbor as thyself?"

Simple answer is that it doesn't; it doesn't come close. It's not even in the same county!!

In my book, actions speak louder than words. And the actions of too many of these folks only underscores that few of them take the words of their own Savior to heart. If your Supreme Creator tells you to do one thing and you're bound and determined to behave in the precise opposite manner, what does this say about your supposedly die-hard beliefs?

Not diddly much!!!


  1. Thank you for asking this on elvisnixon. I think there is a profound misunderstanding. Your ideas of speaking the Truth in Love are distorted by your failure to consider the Bible verses that you quote in context. When you read a verse out of context you may use it as a pretext.

    It would be very easy to give a flip answer such as "Your statement pointing out what you mistakenly belive to be my personal failures is not very " loving"- is it?" which shows the inherent contradiction in your flawed interpretation of the verses. It is important to read the Bible in context. According to your reading it would be impossible to warn anyone that their acts lead to hell.

    You criticize Christians and Christianity and those to whom you use the invective of "right winger"- is that loving?

    Christians are called to be SALT and LIGHT not Deaf and Dumb.

    Fundamentally you seem to be asking about what the true meaning of Jesus command to "Love Thy Neighbor" means in practice.

    The Bible teaches us that"One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' (NIV, Mark 12:28-30)

    Jesus said loving God is the most important of all the commandments. But what does loving God really mean?
    Were it not for God's grace and the redemptive work of Christ, this clear teaching from Scripture would hang over us like a death sentence. We have disobeyed the first and greatest commandment, and as a result could not keep the second. The penalty for sin is death—eternal separation from God and from the life and love which is in Him alone. How desperately we need a Savior! And, oh, how God's gracious and complete provision in Christ should create in our hearts the very love for Him that He longs for from us! "

    So, in answer to your pointed question the answer is clear.

    The most LOVING thing we can do for Obama,Pelosi and all our taoist,atheist or any other type of neighbor is to PRAY for them.Pray for them to be saved. Jesus LOVES you and gave His life for you. If He did not have to die on the cross, if meditation,good works or taoism,buddhism,TM or any other way would have been true He would not need to die and suffer for us on the cross. Easter is Jesus conquering death and darkness for us.

    Hope that you may come to know and enjoy the true meaning of Easter

  2. And there's that "love your enemies" bit...

  3. Yes "Baroness radon"-

    LOVE your enemies- speak the TRUTH in LOVE to them

    Is it "love" not to warn a smoker that smoking causes cancer?

    eternal damnation is worse than cancer is it not

    Christ's FREE gift of salvation can not be earned - telling people of that is LOVE- is it not?

    Something that all the meditation,TM and vain philosophy can never give you.

    Peace,Love and Joy are available in Jesus.

    The attitude of vanity masquerading as humility that is exhibited in the post condemning Christians and Christianity is NOT loving is it? When Christ speaks the truth we should listen. Some people are offended to be told the truth- should we stop speaking truth?

  4. Nice post RT, sorry I've missed a few lately, maybe I'll catch up a little this weekend.

    y'all keep prayin' for me, will ya, and while you're at it, remember to get in your closet and leave the rest of us to our sinful, debaucherous ways.

    (is that a word? it is now!)

  5. Reading Debra, I wondered, what the hell is a mac truck? Full of MacBook Pros? Big Macs? Oh, it's a MACK truck , the one with the cool bulldog hood ornament!

    Sorry, copy editor attack. Although, I must say, I LOVE Thurman's "debaucherous".

    And RT, you reminded me of that old joke: Jesus saves; Moses invests.


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