
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 27

from Verse Twenty-Seven
If an entire army gets out of the way at a single shout of a brave warrior, that is because of the truthfulness from which it emerged.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Throughout the annals of history there are numerous examples of mighty armies being frustrated by a smaller and less-equipped force. The soldiers of the mighty army attack and defend based on orders from the high command. The freedom fighters -- typically referred to as insurgents, guerillas or terrorists by the big power -- attack and defend to protect their homeland, way of life or to repel a foreign invader.

The freedom fighters are like the brave warrior above. They fight for what they believe in -- their own truth -- while many of the superior force have no idea what the war or battle is really all about.

Please note that truth, in this instance, carries no valuation. As truth is subjective, what is true for one person or nation may not be true for a different person or nation. This also isn't about right versus wrong, good versus bad, or laudable versus despicable.

One soldier fighting for the truth as he sees it is a lot more formidable than ten soldiers fighting because somebody else told them to.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. I find stateements such as "truth is subjective" to be overly subjective. What happens for those of us who adhere to a truth by which truth is not subjective?

  2. Karlo,
    Truth is subjective. Truth is not subjective. Both are subjective statements. Even stating, "I find statements such as "truth is subjective" to be overly subjective" is subjective too. So, there ya have it.

  3. They are often called fascists as well.

  4. dasein, a person who holds wholeheartedly to what they believe is true, is a formidable person, whether or not their truth is beneficial to others, or only to themselves (or their "group.") however, i think the "fascists" would be more aptly put in the "army" category of the analogy. if a fascist shouted his/her "truth" at an army, my guess is that the army would not turn away but be enraged by what he/she has to say. the analogy only works if the "brave warrior" shouts a truth that causes the army to re-think their actions.

  5. then again it depends on the army whether or not they are receptive to listening to "truth" as well.

    anyway, not really the point.


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