
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 26

from Verse Twenty-Six
What grieves ideal people is not what is just being done, but what comes from within, for they observe what it will lead to. Sages are not ashamed of appearances, ideal people are careful even when alone. If you neglect what is nearby in hopes of what is far off, you will be thwarted.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
We live in a society that seems all consumed with superficial appearances. Far too many people value short-term results, regardless of the motivation or impetus that brought the results to bear. If someone has ill motivations, but the result benefits a few or a lot, too many folks will laud the instigator.

Since a very early age, I've been far more concerned with what motivates people to think and act rather than the results rendered. It is one of the reasons I'm highly critical of Christianity as it is practiced by the vast majority.

Folks will say they believe or do this or that because of "God's love," but, from my vantage point, their thoughts and actions are motivated by selfish reasons. When we get right down to the crux of the issue, people tend to believe in the scriptures because they want to secure their place in heaven (reward) or abrogate their reservation in hell (punishment). Either way, the focus is on their own ego, not this supernatural deity.

I treat the rest of the world in the same manner. I'm far more interested in the why of a situation, rather than what comes of it. If a person or group's motives are self-serving, the next time around those rosy results may not be so rosy!

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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