
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Giving the Finger

One sentiment that you will often find on blogs of a Taoist, Buddhist or Zen orientation concerns a finger and the moon. The latter is meant to signify the ultimate reality -- Tao for the Taoist -- and the finger is our feeble attempt to define that which truly has no definition. So, when it is written that something is like a finger pointing at the moon, we are ever reminded not to confuse the finger FOR the moon itself.

Free thinkers (most philosophical Taoists fall into this category) realize that no matter how hard we try or how many words we use, it is truly impossible to describe or understand that which lies beyond our superficial realm of existence. What we end of doing is utilizing a form of shorthand. We use words like Tao with the understanding that it doesn't come anywhere close to describing the indescribable. And we accept that.

Religion, on the other hand, concentrates almost exclusively on the finger. It's not enough to have a reverence for all things; a person must revere in just the right way or it counts for naught. If a person chooses to use the wrong word -- God, Jehovah, Allah, Tao, Brahman, Mother Earth, Cookie Monster, etc. -- we're told you stand a great chance of angering this ultimate reality and creating an estrangement between you and it.

Not only must we be careful to choose the right words, but we must also follow the one true path. Choose the wrong path -- that is, any path the particular group deems unwise -- and we're told we will immediately become lost and will remain lost until rescued.

A person can really get themselves in big trouble if he or she chooses to ignore the finger being thrust in their face and, if we prove to be really resistant, ooh boy, watch out. Adherents will then give you the finger!!

If a person still refuses to place the finger in his/her mouth and suck on it like a pacifier, the faithful will then tell you that you must be hateful, arrogant and/or just plain evil. You will burn in a furnace forever or be caused to suffer all sorts of miseries and agonies.

All this from a finger that shouldn't be confused for the moon itself.

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