
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little Annoyances

Now it's time to undo any compliments I received from the previous entry! :-) As a Taoist, I'm ever vigilant to balance the yin with the yang. Since the last post was about the simple things that bring a smile to my face, I'm now going to share the little pet annoyances that can turn a bright and beautiful situation into an irritating one.
  • Tuna(fish) -- While PB sends me to the highest highs, tuna outright disgusts me. Not only do I loathe the taste of this vile substance, I can't stand its smell either!
  • Inattentive Drivers -- Too often, this peeve intersects with a cell phone. It grates on me to no end to watch someone run over children, livestock, other vehicles and property, while the person is yakking away on the phone. I bet the conversation isn't even that important.
  • Turn Signals -- Actually, the blinker itself doesn't bother me. It's when someone turns it on WHILE they are turning. "Hey Einstein! I've got it figured out by then."
  • Corduroy and Velvet -- It's a tactile thing with me. One touch -- however so slight -- and it feels as if I stuck a wet finger in an electrical outlet.
  • Pooh Pooh Boo Boo -- From time to time, one of our cats (yes Mookie, I'm calling you out) uses the upstairs hallway for his business. There's nothing as fun as staggering out of my bedroom in the middle of the night only to put my foot on the floor into a wet goo of poop!
  • Beverage Container Misplacement -- Like many people with Asperger's, certain items need to be placed in proper order. One of these areas concerns the dishes in the cupboards. I absolutely become completely discombobulated if my dear wife places a glass on the plate shelf or doesn't turn the mugs so that the handles are pointing in the correct direction at the correct angle.
So, what sorts of things cause you to see red? Leave your list in the comments section OR write your list on a piece of paper, wad it up and then burn it! Feel better?


  1. - Women with the "I am here to rescue you" syndrome. They all seem to be control freaks.

    - Mother-in-laws

    - Stupid questions like, "Do you have milk in El Salvador?" No, lady, mothers dispense coconut water from their breasts.

    - Slow drivers on the fast lane. People driving 60 kph on a 90kph highway.

    - Men who think that because I am a woman I am not allowed to speak about sports.

    - Salt-less food.

    - ad infinitum.

  2. - I dislike it when people litter. Find a damn garbage can! Why do you think it is okay to toss your trash out the car window while driving? Arrrgh!

    - I find it annoying when someone presumes to be in the position (through their overwhelming "superior virtue") of dictating what is wrong from right, especially when you find out later they are a hypocrite. Extra annoyance points for this person, if they want to make a ton of money off of their pronouncements.

    - Television is irritating. It could be so much better, but is hopelessly commercialized (which is ironic, this commercialization, because supposedly TV is there to serve the Public) and generally TV gives us programs that have an IQ of about 13.

    - I'm taxed heavily. Almost 38%, all together. These taxes fund wars, military adventures, assassinations, weapons development, secret spying programs, and all kinds of horrible things.

    - Sometimes I don't know if it is a cell-phone, or a stapler, or both.

    - I tried to open the jar, but later I found out it wasn't a jar.

    - I dearly love Legos -- but they sure hurt my feet when I walk over them in the middle of the night.


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