
Monday, March 27, 2006

Vegetarian "Terrorists" Among Us

I'm feeling much safer now. I've just learned that our intelligence community is being ever vigilant to protect me and you from vegetarian "terrorists". You know the kind I'm referring to, don't you? Yes, it's those [vile] people who gather vegetarian food to feed to the poor and the transient. Gosh, if we were to allow this type of activity to continue unfettered, it could mean the end of mom, apple pie and baseball!

According to "Keeping Tabs on the Peaceniks" posted on AlterNet today,
More evidence that the U.S. government is justifying surveillance of political dissidence under the guise of monitoring "terrorism" has recently come to light. Early this March an FBI agent's presentation at the University of Texas law school listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, the Communist Party of Texas and "Anarchists" as groups on the FBI's "Terrorist Watch List" for central Texas.

Food Not a moniker for volunteer-run groups that distribute unused vegetarian food from grocery stores and restaurants for free to the general population. Its name stems from a belief that excessive military spending could be redirected to provide food for the hungry.
It's damn scary to think that there are people out there wielding zucchini and carrots. I mean, those things are radioactive, aren't they? Would you want to chance sitting down next to someone on a bus or the subway who was "armed" with an apple or head of lettuce?

I shudder to think of the danger!


  1. Honestly, considering how much we're paying Halliburton to distribute food to the troops, you think they would realize it would be more profitable to grow and distribute organic produce to the poor at government subsidized rates!

    And then, we wouldn't have to hate them quite so much...

  2. I remember the first time I heard the expression, "No good deed shall go unpunished." I thought it was hilarious. But I'm not laughing anymore.

  3. arg... dont you know the pirates are vegans who beget the infidels who beget the frogs which then rain down and explode into a monkey dance around the bush...

    and hence the bush is mad at vegans...

    or at least this logic is as good as any illogic found at the FBI or in the bushes brain...

    the trouble is peace is the most dangerous thing to this administration. thats why the vegans are terrorists....

    blarg sez the pirate in me... pass them onion rings my way matey...

  4. wait wait wait

    perhaps by being a bush... vegative matter: vegans do become the most dangerous thing to this administration.

    Of course just by posting things like this, we all easily get added to a watch list. Modern tech is great for high speed watching upon a key word spamming :)

    really just by being put on such a list is so passe now, i mean everyone's on it, dont you know? just the other day my cat was being tailed...

    ok seriously, (really i will quit trying to be a comic, not my trade anyway just a poet) chances are more of us are on watch lists than we really wish to know, despite being peaceful, peace is the change this administration does fear the most.

  5. Uh oh, vegetarian terrorists! When I lived near San Francisco, Food Not Bombs used to be in the news a lot. Every time they'd set up a food stand and start feeding people, the cops would come and bust them. And San Francisco has some of the worst urban problems in the country -- crime, homelessness. Those cops sure had their priorities.

  6. Blair and Bush really are petrified of anyone who thinks differently aren't they?

    Every bit as bad as the extremists they fear, in their search for threats they find nothing but their own fears reflected back at them. At this rate they'll wind up destroying the very democracies they claim to be protecting!

  7. I am not sure we have a democracy anymore. The ruling parties in the US have shown they tamper with votes. They also show they have actively removed people from voting in states like florida. In addition the patriot act and other police actions show people are being forced out of what would be considered free unhampered actions...

    while it might not be too late to repair the democracy of america, looking at the voting power of the people and corporations, as to be a corportaion is to be a legal representation of a person :check the corporate law out, I would say they is a severe unbalance in power in america. But then again, in reality this has been true for many years, its just now the abuses are more visible.

    Better to say: our country has the hope for the first time to truly grow into a democracy, if all this current junk awakens the people to be simply themselves, and then if people act as themselves and not voting upon proxy unto a illusion , then perhaps american will actually also awake into become its dream of a democracy

    :) I am hopeful as I am taoist living to my dreams

  8. Casey, re: your first comment...

    Does this mean that Bush is in a permanent vegetative state?

  9. Just think, if we're not careful, we'll be on a rendition flight before we can say "blue carrots". I mean honestly don't governments have better things to do? No sorry I forgot, they don't - after all they can't run our countries worth a damn, so they have to do something with their time.

  10. Trey

    Further to my earlier comment, I have just discovered . Obviously a hotbed of terrorist conspiracy.


  11. I just took a look at the Carrot Museum. It's easy to see that these people really are terrorists!!! Right there on the front page it reads, "Discover the POWER of carrots". I didn't follow any of the links -- don't want to get on a government list -- but I'm CERTAIN there is information on how to hijack a plane with a carrot, how to make a bomb with a carrot and how the use of a carrot can turn a God-fearing American patriot into a homosexual.

    Only heaven knows what some sinister people can do with celery and pineapples!!!!!!

  12. ok, i'm back after some time ...

    Love your sarcasm, Trey. Although it took me 2 times before I discovered it. I'm amazed by this kind of things. Do they also have a logical explanation for this? Or is it merely: "oh, you can throw a carrot, look it's a terrorist?"
    I want to think, typically American, but I imagine these things happening here as well...

    PS: my server crashed on mondaymorning. Since I haven't had the time to correct the problem and I return at home on sunday, it will take some time for HbT to get updated. So don't panic :)


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