
Monday, March 27, 2006

Fiscal Amnesia

Ruth Conniff's column "Shooting for the Sun" in the April edition of The Progressive provides a most apt example of the disconnect between what the Bush administration SAYS and what the same administration DOES. Remember how the mighty shrub ran around shouting, "Support the Troops! Support the Troops!" while the budget he submitted to Congress cut things like VA benefits?

Well, here's another prime example:
President Bush snapped on his safety goggles and toured the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colorado, on February 21. It was part of his tour to promote energy proposals that are supposed to end our "addiction to oil," as the president put it in his State of the Union address. Just before Bush's photo-op at the lab, the Energy Depatment quickly restored $5 million in funding the Administration had cut from the very programs the President was there to tout.

The lab
rehired the thirty-two workers it had laid off the day after the State of the Union speech...the $5 million represents only a fraction of the labs $28 million shortfall. Bush's budget cuts have brought much of the nation's renewable energy research to a halt. [emphasis added]
I could make a glib comment here, but this story speaks for itself!

1 comment:

  1. The bush admin is notorious for its orwellian speeches, endeavours, and activities...


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