
Friday, March 3, 2006

Sex, Lies & Videotapes

When Bill Clinton twisted in the wind trying to mangle the English language and the definition of the words "is" and "sex", the ardent Right jumped on him like there was no tomorrow. Though Clinton ensnared himself in a web of half-truths and outright lies concerning his interaction's with a specific intern, he seem incapable of facing the truth.

So one would think the ardent Right would be pouncing with claws extended over the latest escapades of Misters Bush & Cheney. As I'm sure you're well aware, videotapes have surfaced recently which clearly show that the mighty Shrub was fully informed of the possible breach of levees in New Orleans PRIOR to Hurricane Katrina's landfall. These tapes easily contradict his statement, made 4 days AFTER landfall, that no one in his administration had any inkling that said levees might be in trouble.

Not wishing to be outdone, the mad hunter Dick Cheney has steadfastly stated that he played no role whatsoever in the outing of Valerie Plame. However, email correspondence released by the White House show the exact opposite -- that Cheney was involved in this process for nearly one year!

Yet, while Clinton was verbally flogged by the ardent Right, they seem more than willing to look the other way when it comes to Bush & Cheney.

As the Church Lady would say, How c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-t!


  1. Yeah, it's pretty ironic how the Right has done a Big 180. When Clinton lied about having an affair, the President was to be held to a high standard of ethics.

    Clinton was dissed for his "depends on what 'is' is" comment (and rightly so). But the Republican defensiveness and nitpicking, especially after the Downing Street Memos, totally dwarfs all of Clinton's squirming. I haven't heard so many sentences being diagrammed and parsed since 6th grade English class.

    One president gets impeached for lying about an affair. The next president lies to get us into a war that's killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people, and there's no talk of impeachment or any kind of accountability. I have no explanation for this. Does anybody?

  2. Just a small point of devil's advocacy.

    Clinton lied under oath, and that was the basis of the impeachment. "High crimes and misdemeanors" and all that.

    I don't know if anyone in the BushCo. lied under oath. Anyone?

  3. Does the Oath of Office count? Bush swore/affirmed he would uphold the US Constitution and he hasn't been upholding it.

  4. if the republican-controlled congress (or their constituents)had an ounce of integrity, bush and cheney would've already been indicted. that they haven't is an indictment of the ersatz moral epistles the right is so good at mouthing.

  5. The Opposition always screams the loudest. When the Opposition is in power, nothing seems to matter.

    Universal, really.


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